The first mass production
foot-shaped cycling shoe
We Fight For the User
Strong feet must have space to spread your toes for optimal force production, agility, power, and balance.
For good balance, shoes need to be flat so your toes can spread out and the big toe is not dorsiflexed during athletic power application.
Widest at the tips of your toes
Better balance means improved agility, improving your confidence handling your bicycle uphill, downhill, and around corners.
Big Toe Power
The big toe is the most important for balance and power and this picture proves it. Don’t settle for decreased balance and power by deviating the alignment of the big toe.
Meyers Line Unbroken
The Meyers Line is preserved in all Strong Feet Athletic footwear. Always and forever. Don’t settle for second best.
Symmetric and balanced posture
We are like fish swimmng in an endless river of gravity, asking, “What’s water?” Society has habituated postural deformity and called it “genetics.” If you’re misaligned and in pain, there is a better way.
Symmetric and Balanced
Skillful movement is best expressed when one has symmetric posture with balanced strength and agility.
Right / Left Ambidexterity
Our culture and world prioritizes right handedness. The best athletes train their non-dominant sides to prevent injury and improve agility.
Range of Motion Optimized
Bodies come in a wide range of heights, length of limbs, and ranges of motion. Your bicycle position requires personalized fitting to maximize balance and prevent injury.
Change your Posture
Katy Bowman pioneered the concept of movement as a diet, with many of us having little daily variety. Avoid the cumulative effects of sedentarism by changing your daily / working postures regularly. Your posture during non-training hours are MORE important to your typical posture.
We take a holistic approach
The number of hours spent training is minimal compared to our other waking hours. Improving posture alignment matters most during our non-training hours because this is where our unconscious habits are formed. 1-2 hours of “good posture” during training does not offset the 8-12 hours spent slouching in everyday life. Slouching is easy to do and not realize it is happening because we are unable to imagine life outside of gravity similar to how fish cannot imagine a reality outside of water.
Strong Feet Athletics founder Tyler Benner takes a holistic approach to posture and foot health. Inspired by Katy Bowman’s concept of Nutritious Movement, or how movement variety can be thought of like food groups, Tyler believes a well-rounded movement diet is required for optimal foot strength and balance.
Posture and balance start at the feet.
Strong Feet are made during non-training hours.
Avoid the cumulative effects of a sedentary lifestyle.
Improve daily posture building Movement Rich Environments with Venn Design
Posture and Bike Fit
Are Intricately (Geometrically) Linked
Limb measurement and posture assessment
Humans and bicycles both come in a large variety of sizes. To balance on your bicycle properly it is critical to move freely within your range of motion and avoid overextension or crunching.
Dynamic Postural Symmetry
The real world has bumps, rocks, and continual challenges to your balance. For maximum agility, you must have postural symmetry even during explosive and dynamic movement.
Bike Fit
Achieving a “fully sprung” posture where your weight is constantly suspended by slightly bent arms and legs is critical for cycling posture. Do not settle for bicycles without adjustment that do not accommodate dialing in these critical postures.
Quotes From The Industry:
We are like fish swimming in an endless river of gravity asking, “What’s water?”
Sean Rice
Casey Dillon
Michael Sylvester
Jason Hovatter
Tyler Benner